Privacy Policy

Precision Medistaff is committed to managing personal information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and in accordance with other applicable privacy laws.

This document sets out our policies for managing your personal information and is referred to as our Privacy Policy.

Precision Medistaff is a healthcare provider. Through its workforce of healthcare professionals, the business provides staffing solutions (nurses and anaesthetic technicians) to hospitals

Prospective employees/applicants

We collect personal information when recruiting personnel, such as your name, contact details, qualifications, work history, your next of kin or your primary contact. Generally, we will collect this information directly from you.

We may also collect personal information from third parties in ways which you would expect. Before offering you a position, we may also collect additional details such as your tax file number and superannuation information and other information necessary to conduct background checks to determine your suitability for certain positions (for example, positions that require extra qualifications or a working with children check). Sources of information could include as examples, recruitment agencies or referees you have nominated, AHPRA, CrimTrac, Company Insurers, Regulators, Government Agencies e.g. Australian Tax Office, Social Security, Department of Foreign Affairs etc, Law enforcement, Legal Firms, Business partners and Clients, Medical Practitioners and Medical Facilities (e.g. Hospitals), Courts and Tribunals.

Clients (Hospitals) and prospective clients

When you enquire about our services or when you become a client of Precision Medistaff, a record is made which includes your personal information. Information Collected and Retained by Precision Medistaff is generally, but not limited to, Personnel Records and Information, Medical Records and Information, and Electronic Media and Communication.

How and why does Precision Medistaff collect and use your personal information?

Precision Medistaff collects personal information reasonably necessary to carry out our business, to assess and manage our clients’ needs, and provide the Precision Medistaff Services. We may also collect information to fulfil administrative functions associated with the Precision Medistaff Services, for example billing, entering into contracts with you and/or third parties and managing client relationships.

The purposes for which Precision Medistaff usually collects personal information depends on the nature of your interaction with us, but may include recruitment and/or employment, responding to requests for information and other general inquiries, managing, planning, advertising and administering the Precision Medistaff Services, managing, planning, advertising and administering programs, events etc., researching, developing, and expanding Precision Medistaff facilities and the Precision Medistaff Services, responding to enquiries and complaints.

Precision Medistaff generally collects personal information directly from you. We may collect this information:

  • Over the phone, by email, over the internet, via an app, or in person
  • We may also collect personal information about you from other sources, for example:
    • recruitment agencies or referees you have nominated, AHPRA, CrimTrac, Company Insurers, Regulators, Government Agencies e.g. Australian Tax Office, Social Security, Department of Foreign Affairs etc, Law enforcement, Legal Firms, Business partners and Clients, Medical Practitioners and Medical Facilities (e.g. Hospitals), Courts and Tribunals, our affiliated and related companies; and third-party suppliers and contractors who assist us to operate our business

How Precision Medistaff collects and holds personal medical information

For Employees – The information is in the first instance provided by the employee through an application for employment, as part of ongoing certification and through an application for compensation.

For Clients/Hospitals – The information is in the first instance provided directly from the client through an initial discussion. Clients/Hospitals are required to provide information such as surgeons names, list location and specialty and any other information that will allow one of our employees perform their duty in your facility.

Collection, Retention and Disclosure of Medical Information (Purpose)

For Employees/Contractors – The information is obtained and retained generally relates to the individuals professional requirement in the declaring of certain medical information eg inoculations, notifiable diseases, where the individual has permanent medical restriction that impacts on their employment, a claim for compensation of injury at work, or a claim of bullying and harassment.

Only that information that is required for the individual employment and or managing a claim of injury is disclosed to those who the information was intended for and the release of the information is authorised by the individual. In respect to workers compensation claims the application for workers compensation has the declaration and authorisation to exchange information between Precision Medistaff, the individual, their medical practitioners, rehabilitation providers, the insurers and the regulators.

The purpose of why the information collected is to manage the individuals: recruitment processes, employment, managing a claim of injury, managing adverse actions, or required by law.

For clients – Information obtained and retained generally relates to the contact details of the staff at the hospital and operational details surrounding requested shifts.

Only information necessary for the direct delivery of services is disclosed to those who the information was intended for and the release of the information is authorised by the individual (e.g. personal care workers to undertake necessary care).

The purpose of why the information collected is to manage our employees in your facility, and ensure they can deliver the required service.